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- 木更津版 2025年1月号
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Printed information was the most current available at the time of printing.
Please be aware that current information may be different from the printed information.
- [Registrant]東京着物学院
- [Location]260-0033 千葉県 千葉市中央区 西千葉駅前
- [TEL]0120-198-323
- [Registrant]わらび餅専門店 門藤 市原店
- [Location]290-0168 千葉県 市原市
- [TEL]+81-436-63-6023
- [Registrant]cucina Ragazza Carina
- [Location]299-0205 千葉県 袖ケ浦市 上泉1197
- [TEL]+81-80-4676-4828
- [Registrant]あいカルチャー
- [Location]290-0055 千葉県 市原市 五井東3丁目47−8
- [TEL](0436) 75-4867
Programming Class in session ! ! Let's make a game with Ichigo Jam !
Through collaborative work and discussion, we aim to strengthen not only technical skills but also basic communicative skills. This class is being held on a regular basis. Students elementary school age and up can come on any date of their choice ♪ We expect the class to be full. Please reserve ea...
- [Registrant]有限会社トップシステム
- [Location]299-0243 千葉県 袖ケ浦市 蔵波515番地1
- [TEL]+81-438-62-6715
- [Registrant]ハイブリッド ピット 千葉
- [Location]266-0005 千葉県 千葉市 緑区誉田町1丁目137−28
- [TEL]+81-80-9444-0016
KAGEMARU's "Nama Nori" (fresh nori) for a healthy body ♪ ♪ 💪💪💪We sell tsukudani, seasoned nori, and assorted nori sets for year-end gift giving !.
Hello everyone ! We are KAGEMARU, a seaweed production and direct sales shop in Futtsu City. We are selling tsukudani (food boiled in soy sauce), which has been selected as "Chiba Prefecture's Excellent Prefectural Product", olive ・ seasoned seaweed such as red pepper, grilled seaweed, and other r...
- [Registrant]富津影丸
- [Location]293-0012 千葉県 富津市 青木576−1
- [TEL]+81-90-9960-9866
- [Registrant]八房整骨院
- [Location]290-0056 千葉県 市原市 五井21-2
- [TEL]0436-37-3500
- [Registrant]カレントスタジオ
- [Location]296-0047 千葉県 市原市 岩崎1-35-2
- [TEL]+81-80-4780-7133
- [Registrant]耳つぼ痩身サロン mimi
- [Location]290-0064 千葉県 市原市 東五所3-5
- [TEL]+81-436-43-4522
- [Registrant]アマハホースクラブ
- [Location]299-1608 千葉県 富津市 岩坂513-1
- [TEL]+81-439-67-1168
- [Registrant]MORAVIA
- [Location]299-0127 千葉県 市原市 桜台4丁目2−5
- [TEL]+81-90-4122-2166
- [Registrant]YM.BASE
- [Location]290-0243 千葉県 市原市 上高根1607−20
- [TEL]+81-436-37-1775
- [Registrant]株式会社 ワンハートエージェント
- [Location]290-0004 千葉県 市原市 辰巳台西1-9-9
- [TEL]+81-436-37-6441
- [Registrant]小湊鐡道
- [Location]290-0075 千葉県 市原市
- [Registrant]千葉市美術館
- [Location]260-0013 千葉県 千葉市 中央区
- [TEL]043-221-2311
- [Registrant]千葉県立美術館
- [Location]260-0024 千葉県 千葉市 中央区 中央港1丁目10番1号
- [TEL]043-242-8311
- [Registrant]千葉市民活動支援センター
- [Location]〒260-0013 千葉県 千葉市 中央区中央2-5-1 千葉中央ツインビル2号館9階
- [TEL]043-227-3081
- [Registrant]青葉の森公園芸術文化ホール
- [Location]260-0852 千葉県 千葉市 中央区 青葉町977番1号
- [TEL]043-266-3511
- [Registrant]千葉市民会館
- [Location]260-0017 千葉県 千葉市 中央区要町1−1
- [TEL]043-224-2431
- [Registrant]穴川コミュニティセンター
- [Location]263-0024 千葉県 千葉市稲毛区 穴川4丁目12-3
- [TEL]043-284-6155
- [Registrant]特定非営利活動法人 千葉県レクリエ-ション協会
- [Location]千葉県 千葉市
Special Exhibition "Who are Yin-Yang Masters - Creating Uranai, Magick, and Koyomi -"
Who were the Onmyoji? In this exhibition, we will examine the little-known history of Onmyo-do and the culture that has emerged from it from various angles. The Yin-Yang path, which was established in ancient times, expanded its role over several hundred years from the Middle Ages to the early moder...
- [Registrant]国立歴史民俗博物館
- [Location]285-8502 千葉県 佐倉市 城内町117
- [TEL]050-5541-8600
4th Charity Music Festival Super Live 2023
More than 15 groups of blind musicians and others from all over Japan will gather in Chiba City in October for a charity music festival with the theme of realizing a symbiotic society. The age range is wide, from teenage musicians such as Chihiro Watanabe and Yuna Koshio, who performed at the clos...
- [Registrant]一般社団法人視覚情報サポートラジオ
- [Location]261-0011 千葉県 千葉市美浜区 〒261-0011 千葉県千葉市美浜区真砂5-15-2
- [TEL]0434458496
- [Registrant]千葉交響楽団
- [Location]260-0017 千葉県 千葉市 中央区要町1-1
- [TEL]043-222-4231
! Work in a group home where you can balance work and family life.
未経験・Wワーク歓迎!子育てが落ち着いたからお仕事始めたい・定年退職して福祉の仕事に興味が湧いた、など大歓迎! 主なお仕事は食事準備や清掃、夜間見回り・コミュニケーションなど。知識やスキルがなくても安心して活躍できます(o^―^o) 質問や相談は面接前のお電話でも対応いたします。 アットホームな職場ですのでお気軽にご応募ください。 お仕事はゆっくりと覚えていけますのでご安心ください(^。^)ご応募お待ちしております! ・姉ケ崎駅から950mなので、内房線や外房線、総武本線から通いやすい! ・地域や社会に役立つ仕事がしたい 方に向いてるお仕事です! ・他にも新しいことにチャレンジしたいなどな...
- [Registrant]グループホーム ぐらっど姉崎
- [Location]- 千葉県 市原市 姉崎/有秋台
- [TEL]+81-90-7239-2869
- [Registrant]ぴかねっと
- [Location]299-0246 千葉県 袖ケ浦市 蔵波1-1
- [TEL](0438) 63-8394
- [Registrant](有)龍成警備
- [Location]290-0011 千葉県 市原市 能満321-4
- [TEL]+81-436-43-5335
- [Registrant]児童デイサービス 発達ラボ
- [Location]290-0062 千葉県 市原市 八幡1010−2
- Find local business with Town Guide
- Bistro trattoria IMAMURA, where you can ...
Sight ・ Hearing ・ Smell ・ Taste ・ Enjoy your meal with all five senses of touch ? The one and only dish made from the finest ingredients with aromatic fresh basil. On the second floor, there is a ter...
(04) 7093-0086trattoria IMAMURA(トラットリア イマムラ)
- Mihama, a long-established sushi restaur...
Mihama, a long-established sushi restaurant established in 1981, offers sushi that will truly satisfy our customers with our attention to quality ingredients and the skills of our owner, who has exper...
(0470) 46-3565美浜寿し
- New type of acupuncture clinic ! Improve...
An unprecedented acupuncture and moxibustion treatment center Supporting treatment and rehabilitation, as well as mental and physical care and nutritional support for healing energy ! Essential elem...
(0438) 98-1111ステップ木更津鍼灸治療院
- Full support from matchmaking, dating, t...
rose-mariage ( rosé-mariage ) is a member of the National Federation of Marriage Agencies and the Japan Bridal Association, so you can choose your partner from among 60,000 members. Our marriage ac...
(090) 5573-5686結婚相談所 rose-mariage
- Takakura Kannon in Kisarazu City ・ The 3...
Kisarazu City Takakura Kannon ・ Bando Sanju-ban Sacred Ground Hiranosan Kozo-ji Temple] In principle, we offer prayers ( and offerings ) for one person at this temple, so reservations are required. Th...
(0438) 52-2675高倉観音(高蔵寺)
- Personal Training Gym in Kisarazu City [...
Natural Free Move, a personal training gym in Kisarazu City, will help you maintain ・ and improve your health ! ! by providing you with a non-additive home
Natural Free MoveWe can help you with various p...
- Why don't you spend a good time in Kamog...
How about a happy time with your friends at the sunken kotatsu seating ? We offer reasonable prices. Night time in Kamogawa at yakiya We look forward to seeing you at our restaurant. We have a wi...
(04) 7093-0121yakiya やきや
- Ajikan-no-Yado Shirai" is used by athlet...
Shirai, a popular inn with a homelike atmosphere, has started a limited-time lunch plan "9 Kinds of Kaiseki Plate Lunch", where you can enjoy Kaiseki cuisine. The menu changes every Tuesday and is ava...
(0120) 872-914味覚の宿 志ら井
- For all your bedding needs, Todaya Beddi...
For all your bedding needs, Todaya Bedding Store has a Sleep Environment Advisor ! Just change your bedding and you will sleep differently ! Free sleep consultation is now available !.
(0439) 54-1218戸田屋寝具店
- With careful counseling, we will propose...
We offer a wide range of colors to suit each individual's taste, from natural to individualistic, including popular ash colors, design colors, gray colors, and special colors using color treatments. ...
(0438) 53-7080Ricca hair
- Refreshing soft-serve ice cream is very ...
KOFUKU, which sells popular cookie cream sandwiches, has opened a café ! offering a wide variety of citrus and cheese sweets including the popular citrus & cheese mixed soft serve ice cream, as well a...
(04) 7096-5050果房KOFUKU CITRUS&CHEESE
- ! ? Yakiniku Horumon Takeda located at t...
Leave it to Takeda for Yakiniku and banquets ! We have 3 banquet courses with the best price and after-party courses available. Yakiniku near Kisarazu station ・ Yakiniku Horumon Takeda Kisarazu for ...
(0438) 53-8929焼肉ホルモンたけ田 木更津店
- Ichihara Security Service protects safe ...
Ichihara Security Service protects safe and secure communities. Please feel free to contact us if you are considering machine security, facility security, patrol security, traffic guidance security, o...
(0436) 21-3033市原警備保障株式会社
- Kisarazu Stone Co., Ltd. provides tombst...
Kisarazu Ishizai Co., Ltd. is a "professional" stone dealer in Kisarazu ・ Kimitsu ・ Sodegaura ・ Ichihara and Tokyo ・ Kanagawa Prefecture, mainly in the vicinity of Aqua-line ・ Tombstone Sales ・ Stone...
(0438) 52-3131木更津石材
- Culture Kimitsu, located in Kimitsu City...
Culture Kimitsu is a bright and spacious culture center that offers a wide variety of courses to meet the needs of beginners, young children, and middle-aged people. We offer a wide range of courses, ...
(0439) 50-9570カルチャー君津