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- 木更津版 2025年1月号
- 市原 千葉南版 2025年 年末年始号(1月号)
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- 市原 千葉南版 2024年2月号
- 木更津版 2024年1月号
- 市原 千葉南版 2023年 年末年始号
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- 市原 千葉南版 2023年8月号
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Printed information was the most current available at the time of printing.
Please be aware that current information may be different from the printed information.
- [Registrant]季珈琲
- [Location]290-0529 千葉県 市原市 小谷田261−1
- [TEL]090-8595-0855
- [Registrant]里山カフェ FLIP FLAP
- [Location]290-0222 千葉県 市原市 上原171−1
- [Registrant]KUKULU Hotel
- [Location]292-0831 千葉県 木更津市 富士見3丁目2-27
- [TEL]+81-438-25-1911
- [Registrant]cafe&zakka 舞鈴
- [Location]299-0245 千葉県 袖ケ浦市 蔵波台5-8-1 5丁目貸店舗B棟1号
- [TEL]+81-438-97-5590
- [Registrant]787 Nanohana Coffee Roaster
- [Location]290-0064 千葉県 市原市 東五所8-2
- [TEL]0436-42-2244
- [Registrant]Countless River
- [Location]299-0111 千葉県 市原市 姉崎2264-1
- [TEL]0436-63-2755
- [Registrant]Songleading&DanceFamily
- [Location]130-0021 東京都 墨田区 江東橋4-29-16 プラザ錦糸町ビル5S
- [TEL]03-6659-2652
- [Registrant]秀和会(創作舞踊)
- [Location]292-0065 千葉県 木更津市 木更津
- [TEL]+81-90-3532-2039
- [Registrant]あいカルチャー
- [Location]290-0055 千葉県 市原市 五井東3丁目47−8
- [TEL]+81-436-75-4867
- [Registrant]古民家とグランピング 和心村
- [Location]299-1733 千葉県 富津市 高溝14
- [TEL]090-7236-0208
- [Registrant]人形の昇月
- [Location]292-0055 千葉県 木更津市 朝日3-10-16
- [TEL]0438-22-3276
- [Registrant]関 秀樹 ギター・ウクレレ教室
- [Location]市原市 千葉県市原市五井中央西1丁目1−25 サンプラザ市原
- [TEL]09018060273
- [Registrant]痩身サロン Verite(ヴェリテ)
- [Location]290-0056 千葉県 市原市 五井21−1
- [TEL]+81-90-9974-9412
Special Exhibition "Inishigae, I love it ! - Cultural History of Early Modern Koko Zukuroku -"
There is always a yearning for old things ( and old vessels ). Every history lover must be familiar with the desire to actually collect objects, or if that is not possible, to have just a picture of the object at hand. Among the Rekihaku's collection is a collection of illustrated books called "聆涛...
- [Registrant]国立歴史民俗博物館
- [Location]285-8502 千葉県 佐倉市 城内町117
- [TEL]050-5541-8600
- [Registrant]ダイエット専門サロン mint
- [Location]299-0261 千葉県 袖ケ浦市 福王台3丁目
- [Registrant]ホシノ薬局
- [Location]290-0081 千葉県 市原市 五井中央西2丁目14-11
- [TEL]+81-436-22-0107
- [Registrant]美容室RAPPORT
- [Location]千葉県 木更津市
- [TEL]0438404013
- [Registrant]Sweets House
- [Location]292-0045 千葉県 木更津市 清見台1丁目2−21
- [Registrant]株式会社 ワンハートエージェント
- [Location]290-0004 千葉県 市原市 辰巳台西1-9-9
- [TEL]+81-436-37-6441
- [Registrant]YM.BASE
- [Location]290-0243 千葉県 市原市 上高根1607−20
- [TEL]+81-436-37-1775
- [Registrant]結婚相談所 アイマリッジ
- [Location]千葉県 木更津市
- [TEL]0438-72-4122
- [Registrant]株式会社 鯉徳
- [Location]290-0111 千葉県 市原市 姉崎1808−3
- [TEL]0436-62-4151
- [Registrant]スマホ堂市原店
- [Location]290-0038 千葉県 市原市 五井西5-12-7
- [TEL]0436-26-7101
Good news for you hay fever sufferers !.
Pollen season is almost upon us again. According to the Japan Weather Association, the amount of pollen is expected to be higher than the previous season, especially in the Kanto Koshin region. We would like to introduce Miracle Noni, a 100% noni fruit juice that helps improve allergic conditions...
- [Registrant]沖縄良品ショップ ちばや~
- [Location]290-0143 千葉県 市原市 ちはら台西5丁目23−5 丸藤会館 1階
- [Registrant]シニア生涯支援協会
- [Location]290-0066 千葉県 市原市 五所1759-4
- [TEL]+81-436-43-6222
- [Registrant](株)天羽塗装
- [Location]299-0245 千葉県 袖ケ浦市 長浦駅前1丁目10−4
- [TEL]+81-120-35-1215
- [Registrant]tassoの森の駅 農産物直売所&フードコート
- [Location]299-0205 千葉県 袖ケ浦市 上泉1197
- [TEL]+81-438-38-3707
- [Registrant]Yamasobu campground
- [Location]299-1754 千葉県 富津市 志駒434
- [TEL]+81-439-29-6663
- [Registrant]NPO法人東いちはらエコミュージアム
- [Location]290-0163 千葉県 市原市 東国吉929
- [Registrant]グループホーム ぐらっど姉崎
- [Location]299-0111 千葉県 市原市 姉崎2097-1
- [TEL]+81-90-7239-2869
- [Registrant]ベーカリーのぞみパンデリア
- [Location]292-0201 千葉県 木更津市 真里谷259-1
- [TEL]+81-438-38-5657
Why don't you renew your house in time for the New Year ? Artificial turf ・ Exterior ・ For landscaping, leave it to MORAVIA !
If you are thinking of remodeling your garden, leave it to MORAVIA ! We offer artificial turf installation in Ichihara City and other areas in Chiba Prefecture. We will help you to create a garden where your individuality shines through, fulfilling your wishes to create a space for children and pe...
- [Registrant]MORAVIA
- [Location]299-0127 千葉県 市原市 桜台4丁目2−5
- [TEL]+81-90-4122-2166
Now available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year ! Childcare facility in Chiharadai [Banana Park
Banana Park is the only 24-hour childcare facility in Ichihara City. Sudden need for childcare ! Late night childcare, difficulty in preparing luggage …, need to take siblings to the hospital, need to refresh yourself, etc., this small-group facility can flexibly respond to such "problems ! ! ! !"...
- [Registrant]ばななPark
- [Location]290-0141 千葉県 市原市 ちはら台東1丁目
- [TEL]050-5896-1678
- [Registrant]コメット
- [Location]292-0052 千葉県 木更津市 祇園2丁目17−13
- [TEL]+81-70-8466-1601
- [Registrant]千葉都心イルミネーション実行委員会
- [Location]260-0013 千葉県 千葉市 中央区 中央1-12
- [TEL]043-227-4103
- [Registrant]株式会社 章健工業
- [Location]292-0052 千葉県 木更津市 祇園1-26-13
- [TEL]+81-438-71-1800
- [Registrant]富津写真愛好家協会
- [Location]293-0006 千葉県 富津市 下飯野2329
Room4 Feature Exhibit "Visiting Gods, Forms and Shapes - Both the God of Good Fortune and the God of Plague from Other Realms -"
For a long time, people and local communities have believed that some kind of divine spirit or its work is responsible for events beyond human power or knowledge, whether happiness or misfortune. The god of fortune who brings happiness is often depicted as an old man, while the spirit that brings il...
- [Registrant]国立歴史民俗博物館
- [Location]285-8502 千葉県 佐倉市 城内町117
- [TEL]050-5541-8600
- [Registrant]市原市産業支援センターSATELLITE
- [Location]290-0081 千葉県 市原市 五井中央西1-1-25
- [TEL]0436-63-3790
2nd Skating Class Participants Wanted !.
Fun for the whole family ! We are always open to you. Please join us. Participation fee : 1 family ( Any number of people ) 1,000 yen / for 3 classes ( Association membership fee ) *Please see the Skating Association membership information at the entrance of the skating rink for details.
- [Registrant]市原市スケート協会
- [Location]290-0107 千葉県 市原市 姉崎海岸23−2
More ? Other Countries ( Iraq )
He will talk about Iraq, an unfamiliar Middle Eastern country, its nature, current social conditions, childhood cancer, and activities to support people with disabilities. ◆Instructor: Mr. Takatoshi Hasebe ◆Number of participants: 60 ◆Deadline: January 26 ◆Application Please regist...
- [Registrant]市原市国際交流協会
- [Location]290-0075 千葉県 市原市 南国分寺台4丁目1-1-1ウェルシア国分寺台店2階
- [Registrant]公益財団法人市原市文化振興財団
- [Location]290-0023 千葉県 市原市 惣社1丁目1−1
- [TEL]0570-043-043
- [Registrant]マンドリーノ・コスモス
- [Location]290-0023 千葉県 市原市 惣社1丁目1−1
- [TEL]0436-77-1040
35th Performing Arts Festival "Nurture the spirit of rich performing arts culture
■ Sponsor: Sodegaura City Cultural Association, Sodegaura Civic Hall ■ Admission: Free ■ Content: Dance, Shigin, Social Dance, Hula Dance, Folk Dance, Ukulele Performance, Karaoke ■ Presenting groups: Sodegaura City Cultural Association member groups, Sodegaura Civic Hall Circle 15 groups ( Sodegaur...
- [Registrant]袖ケ浦市民会館
- [Location]299-0262 千葉県 袖ケ浦市 坂戸市場1566
- [TEL]0438623135
Marche at Wizmama's place !.
We will have a marché around withmama's model house Come and see us as we have kitchen cars, WS, etc.
- [Registrant]よるむん
- [Location]292-0823 千葉県 木更津市 桜井新町3-1-1
- [Registrant]房総スティールパン
- [Location]292-0833 千葉県 木更津市 貝渕2丁目13番40号
- [TEL]08042916974
- [Registrant]青葉の森公園芸術文化ホール
- [Location]260-0852 千葉県 千葉市 中央区 青葉町977番1号
- [TEL]043-266-3511
Ichihara Citizens Skating Competition Held !.
We will have the Ichihara Citizens' Skating Competition at the Anesaki Skating Rink on February 5. Please come and join us. Place : Anesaki Skating Rink First 50 applicants Please fill out the application form at the same place and put it in the box or mail it by January 29.
- [Registrant]市原市スケート協会
- [Location]290-0107 千葉県 市原市 姉崎海岸23−2
Lecture on Prefectural History in 2022
In order to introduce the history of Chiba Prefecture and to deepen understanding and attachment to our hometown Chiba, we will hold the 2022 "Prefectural History Lecture" using the results of our staff's research and study of old documents. Theme : Rules of Office in Clan Society ~ Life and Wor...
- [Registrant]千葉県文書館
- [Location]260-0013 千葉県 千葉市 中央区中央4丁目15−7
- [TEL]043-227-7552
- [Registrant]からだコンディショニング
- [Location]木更津市
International Understanding Seminar Held
◆Hitoshi Uraki ( ) After retiring from a chemical company, he worked as a JICA senior overseas volunteer in Mexico, Chile and Colombia, leading and developing practical improvement activities to increase productivity of companies. Through his six years of activities and living in these three coun...
- [Registrant]市原市国際交流協会
- [Location]290-0056 千葉県 市原市 五井5472−1
- [Registrant]青葉の森公園芸術文化ホール
- [Location]260-0852 千葉県 千葉市 中央区 青葉町977番1号
- [TEL]043-266-3511
- [Registrant]社会福祉法人初穂会 稲毛ペコリーノ
- [Location]263-0043 千葉県 稲毛区 小仲台2-12-2
- [TEL]0120-86-5124
- [Registrant]市原市産業支援センターSATELLITE
- [Location]290-0081 千葉県 市原市 五井中央西1-1-25
- [TEL]0436-22-4305
- [Registrant]千葉友の会
- [Location]264-0017 千葉県 千葉市 若葉区加曽利町1410
- [TEL]09040906614
- [Registrant]市原市産業支援センターSATELLITE
- [Location]290-0081 千葉県 市原市 五井中央西1-1-25
- [TEL]0436-63-3790
- [Registrant]あーねらふらすたじお
- [Location]292-0805 千葉県 木更津市 千葉県木更津市大和1丁目9−12
- [Registrant]株式会社 ホンダカーズ木更津
- [Location]292-0055 千葉県 木更津市 君津市、市原市
- [TEL]+81-438-20-8180
高卒以上・資格・経験不問!! ブランクもOK!!主体性をお持ちの方!!
- [Registrant]株式会社 Kamiko
- [Location]299-1121 千葉県 君津市 常代3-1-3
- [TEL]+81-439-55-8855
- [Registrant]株式会社 章健工業
- [Location]292-0052 千葉県 木更津市 祇園1-26-13
- [TEL]+81-438-71-1800
- [Registrant]株式会社Vivid Navigation / びびなび
- [Location]292-0057 千葉県 木更津市
- [TEL]0438-40-4428
- [Registrant]特別養護老人ホーム 緑苑
- [Location]266-0002 千葉県 千葉市 緑区平山町2008−1
- [TEL]043-497-5001
- [Registrant]株式会社 星野薬局
- [Location]290-0081 千葉県 市原市 五井中央西2-7-15 ウルマビル1階
- [TEL]+81-436-22-0107
- [Registrant]株式会社 WING
- [Location]299-1127 千葉県 君津市 郡1丁目19−2
- [TEL]+81-439-29-6440
- Find local business with Town Guide
- BAYSIDE KANAYA, a resort facility overlo...
Glamorous + Cottage = BAYSIDE KANAYA offers a new type of lodging called "Grand Cottage", where you can enjoy the sunset over Tokyo Bay, barbecue, and roasted marshmallows by the fire in a relaxing at...
(0439) 27-1415BAYSIDE KANAYA ベイサイド金谷
- TOSHIN SECURITY, which provides security...
Based in Chiba Prefecture, we provide security services throughout the prefecture. We have been protecting the safety of construction sites and the people living around them for more than 20 years by ...
(043) 221-5580(株)東伸警備
- Kisarazu Stone Co., Ltd. provides tombst...
Kisarazu Ishizai Co., Ltd. is a "professional" stone dealer in Kisarazu ・ Kimitsu ・ Sodegaura ・ Ichihara and Tokyo ・ Kanagawa Prefecture, mainly in the vicinity of Aqua-line ・ Tombstone Sales ・ Stone...
(0438) 52-3131木更津石材
- Seikatsu Club delivers foodstuffs and da...
Why don't you enrich your life further with Seikatsu Club ? We not only provide shopping for daily necessities and foodstuffs, but also support for child-raising. We disclose information on producers ...
(043) 278-7172生活クラブ生活協同組合
- Flamingo cafe offers international cuisi...
flamingo cafe" is a restaurant near Tateyama Castle that has two faces: a café popular for its soft-serve ice cream at lunchtime and a restaurant featuring creative international cuisine at night We ...
(090) 2332-0695フラミンゴカフェ
- Recommended for lunch meetings among mot...
The fluffy pancakes are like clouds that disappear quickly in your mouth just by looking at them.
(043) 400-2657たまごとこなと
- Wellness Nursery School Kimitsu is looki...
Wellness Nursery School Kimitsu is looking for childcare workers to work with us ! Please feel free to contact us for a tour of the school, job application, or any other inquiries.
(0439) 32-1150ウェルネス保育園君津
- A restaurant like a "base where food cul...
A restaurant like a "base where food culture goes around" where you can enjoy dishes starring "local ingredients" at Toroisaki Seaside Park on the Kisarazu seaside. Enjoy a special moment while watch...
(0438) 38-3488舵輪
- We are proud of our sushi and sashimi us...
We offer a wide variety of dishes including sushi, eel, fugu dish, Japanese beef, course meal, various set menus, and a la carte dishes, as well as Edomae tempura with sesame oil flavor. We can prepa...
(0439) 55-1621天秀
- Established 30 years ago in Chiba Prefec...
With the motto of "more comfortable business environment", we deal in a wide range of products such as OA office equipment, PCs, network cameras, steel products, stationery, etc. Hands-on Thinking t...
(0438) 62-6715有限会社トップシステム
- Japanese cuisine restaurant boasts cours...
We are a Japanese restaurant located in front of Kimitsu Station, a 2-minute walk from the station. Please use our restaurant for various gatherings such as business entertainment, festive occasions ・...
(0439) 52-1010日本料理 和泉沢
- We are a painting company with no salesm...
Why don't you paint your whole house ・ at a reasonable price ? We offer low prices because we are a company of craftsmen only. ●Total floor space 30sqm ・ 10 year warranty ●Paint locations Roof ・ ...
(043) 234-2770有限会社 篠橋塗装コーポレーション
- Full support from matchmaking, dating, t...
rose-mariage ( rosé-mariage ) is a member of the National Federation of Marriage Agencies and the Japan Bridal Association, so you can choose your partner from among 60,000 members. Our marriage ac...
(090) 5573-5686結婚相談所 rose-mariage
- OPEN🎊Washida Auto Garage for your car in...
Washida Auto Garage provides all kinds of support for car repair ・ maintenance ・ sales ・ purchase ・ inspection ! Since our store is located along the national highway, it is easy to stop by in case of...
(0438) 53-7718株式会社ワシダ 関東支店
- Newly opened "tasso no mori no eki" in S...
! Spacious parking for several large vehicles is available. A direct sales shop with fresh vegetables directly sent by local farmers and a popular food court are available. The Tokyo German Village ...
(0438) 38-3707tassoの森の駅 農産物直売所&フードコート