Search Keyword: 花 |  135 results | Search time:  0 seconds 

39 days before event
Kurashi-no-Botanical Garden Sp...

About 700 pots of about 100 strains of "variant morning glories" with unusual flower and leaf shapes...

Venue 国立歴史民俗博物館 くらしの植物苑
Address 千葉県 佐倉市
Date 2024/8/7 - 2024/9/8
19 days before event
7/18㈭ Screening of the film "T...

Takehiko Ono, in his 57th year as an actor, plays the leading role in a movie !


Venue 君津市民文化ホール 大ホール
Address 千葉県 君津市
Date 2024/7/18 - 2024/7/18
8 days before event
Starry Sky Concert: Summer Eve...

Chiba City Science Museum Planetarium Special Projection

Venue 千葉市科学館7階プラネタリウム
Address 千葉県 千葉市
Date 2024/7/7 - 2024/7/7
7 days before event
Work Shop】2024.7.6(Saturday)10...

Shikaiha flower basket is easy to weave even for beginners.
With supple and strong length mater...

Venue ガーデン文庫カフェ とも
Address 千葉県 大網白里市
Date 2024/7/6 - 2024/7/6
Already ended
Hideout Marche

We wanted to create a place where connections could be made, a marché that would be exciting and thr...

Venue 千種ヴィレッジ(市原市千種5-12-1)
Address 千葉県 市原市
Date 2024/6/23
Already ended
Enjoy the texture of the mater...

Why don't you weave rattan, a natural material, into flower knots and make accessories ?.

Venue お茶の間 まごのて 〒267-0053 千葉県千葉市緑区高津戸町111-1 (駐車場有り)
Address 千葉県 千葉市
Date 2024/6/22 - 2024/6/22
1 day left
Boshu Uchiwa and Suruga Bamboo...

An exhibition of beautiful Boshu Uchiwa fans and cool Suruga bamboo crafts.

Venue 大谷家具ギャラリー工芸館
Address 千葉県 長生郡
Date 2024/6/19 - 2024/6/30
Already ended
The 11th Friendship Festa

Community Contribution&International Cultural Exchange Events

Venue 千葉朝鮮初中級学校 運動場
Address 千葉県 千葉市見川区
Date 2024/6/2 - 2024/6/2
Already ended
Hanakasa-yama Marche

Come visit us at our homey marche ? !.

Venue 旧江見小学校校庭
Address 千葉県 鴨川市
Date 2024/5/19 - 2024/5/19
Already ended
5/18㈯ "Wish" movie screening

The dramatic musical of the century opens !
Restore the "wish" that was stolen from you

Venue 君津市民文化ホール 大ホール
Address 千葉県 君津市
Date 2024/5/18 - 2024/5/18
Already ended
The 1st Oragawa Flea Market

Free mats begin at Oragawa, a closed elementary school that has been revived as a complex !.

Venue 君津市清和地域拠点複合施設「おらがわ」(君津市西粟倉36番地)
Address 千葉県 君津市
Date 2024/5/18 - 2024/5/18
Already ended
Screening of the movie "Wish

The dramatic musical of the century opens !
Restore the "wish" that was stolen from you

Venue 君津市民文化ホール 大ホール
Address 千葉県 君津市
Date 2024/5/18 - 2024/5/18
Already ended
19th Double Rainbow Concert 20...

This is an at-home music event where more than 15 groups of visually impaired people in Chiba Prefec...

Venue 千葉市美浜文化ホール(音楽ホール)
Address 千葉県 千葉市美浜区
Date 2024/5/6 - 2024/5/6
Already ended
19th Double Rainbow Concert 20...

This is an at-home music event where more than 15 groups of visually impaired people in Chiba Prefec...

Venue 千葉市美浜文化ホール(音楽ホール)
Address 千葉県 千葉市美浜区
Date 2024/5/6 - 2024/5/6
Already ended
Nambo Airan Tsutomu Club "West...

Nambo Ailan Tsutomu Club ( Chairman : Satoshi Takahashi ) Members will hold a contest, display and s...

Venue 大場蘭園温室(千葉県鴨川市奈良林330)
Address 千葉県 鴨川市
Date 2024/5/2 - 2024/5/6
Already ended
Bread for Kids - Flower Bread ...

Flower bread filled with jam

Venue 稲毛区長沼コミュニティセンター
Address 千葉県 千葉市
Date 2024/4/27 - 2024/4/27
Already ended
Hanakasa-yama Marche

Come visit us at our homey marche ? !.

Venue 旧江見小学校校庭
Address 千葉県 鴨川市
Date 2024/4/21 - 2024/4/21
Already ended
Kurashi-no-Botanical Garden Sp...

About 400 varieties of primroses from the Edo period to the present day are exhibited in one place !...

Venue 国立歴史民俗博物館 くらしの植物苑
Address 千葉県 佐倉市
Date 2024/4/9 - 2024/4/30
Already ended
Touch Drawings and Flowering L...

This is an exhibit for Ichihara City's hospitality exchange program.
Programming experience usi...

Venue 旧内田小学校(市原市島田20)
Address 千葉県 市原市
Date 2024/3/30 - 2024/3/31
Already ended
Hanakasa-yama Marche

Come visit us at our delicious, fun, and friendly marché ? !.

Venue 旧江見小学校校庭
Address 千葉県 鴨川市
Date 2024/3/17 - 2024/3/17