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Event / Sports / Hotel
2024/03/22 (Fri)

We are a sports club. We support health promotion in the community.

Compensation Hourly ¥1,050
Trial period : 2 months
Salary during trial p...
Work Location 292-0818 千葉県 木更津市 かずさ鎌足2-3-9
Work Hours 09:30 - 22:30
Required Language Japanese
Other professional
2024/06/06 (Thu)

No experience necessary ! /Once a week, 3 hours ~ OK】If you like to move around and interact with people, why not work at a swimming club ?.

Compensation Hourly 1,030円~
Work Location 290-0066 千葉県 市原市 五所1966-1
Work Hours 09:30 - 22:30
Required Language Japanese