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  • Nature / Scenery
  • Nature / Scenery

    This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)

    Purple Gold Mountain ・ Comet Atlas

    Near Fukashiro, Ichihara
    2024 . 10 . 13

    Photo Location 千葉県 市原市
    Photo Date 2024/10/13 Device CanonCanon EOS R
  • Nature / Scenery
  • Nature / Scenery

    This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)

    Autumn Sunshine

    The autumn sun is dazzling and cosmoses are
    blooming as far as the eye can see.

    Photo Location 千葉県 市原市
    Photo Date 2022/10/16 Device CanonCanon EOS R
  • Nature / Scenery
  • Nature / Scenery

    This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)

    all aspects of spring

    This is a field of rape blossoms in Hiketa, Ichihara City.

    Photo Location 千葉県 市原市
    Photo Date 2024/03/13 Device CanonCanon EOS 6D
  • Nature / Scenery
  • Nature / Scenery

    This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)

    barley and Mt Fuji

    Fuji is not easily seen, but it made a rare appearance in the evening. The whole area was covered wi...

    Photo Location 千葉県 市原市
    Photo Date 2024/05/10 Device CanonCanon EOS R
  • Event / Occasion
  • Event / Occasion

    This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)

    This row is almost done !.

    In the beautifully landscaped rice fields of Yatsu, rice planting is being done in an orderly fashio...

    Photo Location 千葉県 市原市
    Photo Date 2024/05/03 Device CanonCanon EOS R
  • Nature / Scenery
  • Nature / Scenery

    This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)

    Walking in Yaezakura

    Aoba-no-mori Park has a fairly large area where double-flowered cherry trees bloom all at once

    Photo Location 千葉県 市原市
    Photo Date 2023/04/14 Device CanonCanon EOS R
  • Nature / Scenery
  • Nature / Scenery

    This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)

    Sunset in Futtsu

    Diamond Fuji can be seen from below the observatory in Futtsu.

    Photo Location 千葉県 市原市
    Photo Date 2023/03/30 Device CanonCanon EOS R
  • Nature / Scenery
  • Nature / Scenery

    This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)

    Reflected Spring

    The mountains reflected beautifully on the surface of the rice paddy in the shade of the satoya...

    Photo Location 千葉県 市原市
    Photo Date 2023/04/09 Device CanonCanon EOS 6D
  • Nature / Scenery
  • Nature / Scenery

    This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)

    Evening work

    Fuji in the evening, a busy
    setting up a vinyl house for radishes.

    Photo Location 千葉県 市原市
    Photo Date 2022/10/21 Device CanonCanon EOS 6D
  • Event / Occasion
  • Event / Occasion

    This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)

    swim in the sky

    A large carp streamer is swimming in the wind. Parents and children are watching below. This is a sp...

    Photo Location 千葉県 市原市
    Photo Date 2024/05/02 Device CanonCanon EOS R
  • Nature / Scenery
  • Nature / Scenery

    This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)

    Running in the Sunset

    Fuji is rarely seen this year, but on this rare day it
    emerged in the sunset. This place was di...

    Photo Location 千葉県 市原市
    Photo Date 2023/03/13 Device CanonCanon EOS R
  • Nature / Scenery
  • Nature / Scenery

    This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)

    Scenery before rice planting

    The Kominato Railway train is reflected in a paddy field filled with water. The Kominato Railway alw...

    Photo Location 千葉県 市原市
    Photo Date 2024/04/28 Device CanonCanon EOS 6D
  • Food
  • Food

    This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)

    カフェ やさまる

    Photo Location Chiba Prefecture 大字常代
    Photo Date 2020/09/24 Device Unkown
  • Nature / Scenery
  • Nature / Scenery

    This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)

    Blue Landscape

    Aoba-no-mori Park is famous for its wide range of flowers
    but this nemophila was blooming beaut...

    Photo Location 千葉県 市原市
    Photo Date 2023/04/14 Device CanonCanon EOS 6D
  • Food
  • Food

    This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)


    Photo Location 千葉県 木更津市
    Photo Date 2020/08/29 Device Unkown
  • Nature / Scenery
  • Nature / Scenery

    This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)

    Midsummer Blossom

    It was a very hot day, but the very early cosmos were blooming beautifully
    like a large flower....

    Photo Location 千葉県 市原市
    Photo Date 2024/08/05 Device CanonCanon EOS R
  • Nature / Scenery
  • Nature / Scenery

    This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)

    Two-color landscape

    Red and white plum blossoms are beautifully overlapping and shining
    in the forest. There were p...

    Photo Location 千葉県 市原市
    Photo Date 2024/02/12 Device CanonCanon EOS 6D
  • Nature / Scenery
  • Nature / Scenery

    This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)

    Hill of History

    This is the silhouette of Goshoranzuka, famous for the legend of Minamoto no Yoritomo, and Mt.

    Photo Location 千葉県 市原市
    Photo Date 2022/10/20 Device CanonCanon EOS 6D
  • Other
  • 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

    This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)

    Happy New Year!

    Happy New Year!
    We look forward to working with you in the new year. In response to the ...

    Photo Location 千葉県 君津市
    Photo Date 2021/01/07 Device Unkown
  • Nature / Scenery
  • Nature / Scenery

    This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)

    double-lined hatchet cloud

    Fuji this year,
    but early this morning, unusually, it was covered with shade clouds, making it ...

    Photo Location 千葉県 市原市
    Photo Date 2023/12/07 Device CanonCanon EOS R
  • Nature / Scenery
  • Nature / Scenery

    This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)

    Already harvested !.

    Wheat is ready for harvest in May. It is a magnificent wheat.

    Photo Location 千葉県 市原市
    Photo Date 2024/05/18 Device CanonCanon EOS R
  • Event / Occasion
  • Event / Occasion

    This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)

    Vast carp streamers and clouds

    These carp streamers are displayed near the mouth of the Kobitsu River every year. It is worth seein...

    Photo Location 千葉県 市原市
    Photo Date 2024/05/02 Device CanonCanon EOS R
  • Nature / Scenery
  • Nature / Scenery

    This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)

    The World of Hotokeinosa

    This is a colony of hothouse grasses. Spring is in full swing.

    Photo Location 千葉県 市原市
    Photo Date 2024/02/28 Device CanonCanon EOS R
  • Nature / Scenery
  • Nature / Scenery

    This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)

    crimson wisteria (Wisteria floribunda)

    Fuji this year, but
    it was unusually bright on this day. It was surrounded by a red sunset that...

    Photo Location 千葉県 市原市
    Photo Date 2023/03/13 Device CanonCanon EOS R
  • Nature / Scenery
  • Nature / Scenery

    This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)

    Harvest is coming soon !.

    The barley harvest is almost upon us, and May will see both harvest and blue wheat at the same time.

    Photo Location 千葉県 市原市
    Photo Date 2024/05/18 Device CanonCanon EOS R
  • Food
  • Food

    This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)

    カフェ やさまる

    Photo Location Chiba Prefecture 大字常代
    Photo Date 2020/09/24 Device Unkown
  • Nature / Scenery
  • Nature / Scenery

    This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)

    Adorn the spring

    Pansies, representative of spring, and flowering cabbages are beautiful in yellow.

    Photo Location 千葉県 市原市
    Photo Date 2023/04/11 Device CanonCanon EOS 6D
  • Nature / Scenery
  • Nature / Scenery

    This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)

    Flower Yakushido

    Yakushido Hall of Kokubunji Temple is now covered with flowers.
    It is a beautiful season.

    Photo Location 千葉県 市原市
    Photo Date 2023/04/19 Device CanonCanon EOS R
  • Nature / Scenery
  • Nature / Scenery

    This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)

    Azalea on a sunny day

    It is the season of azaleas. I found beautiful azaleas
    blooming at Kokubunji Temple. It looks g...

    Photo Location 千葉県 市原市
    Photo Date 2023/04/19 Device CanonCanon EOS R
  • Nature / Scenery
  • Nature / Scenery

    This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)

    Narcissus Forest

    In Sodegaura Park, there is a place where daffodils are
    quietly blooming against a backdrop of ...

    Photo Location 千葉県 市原市
    Photo Date 2024/02/09 Device CanonCanon EOS 6D
  • Nature / Scenery
  • Nature / Scenery

    This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)

    Fuji after a long time

    Fuji is rarely visible this year, but on this day, it made a rare appearance in the evening.

    Photo Location 千葉県 市原市
    Photo Date 2024/05/10 Device CanonCanon EOS R
  • Animal
  • Animal

    This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)


    PURR in Yawatai 🐱 ❤️

    Photo Location 千葉県 木更津市
    Photo Date 2023/09/29 Device Unkown
  • Nature / Scenery
  • Nature / Scenery

    This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)

    forest carpet

    These are rape blossoms all over the Yonezawa forest. The dedicated volunteers of the community have...

    Photo Location 千葉県 市原市
    Photo Date 2024/03/30 Device CanonCanon EOS 6D
  • Nature / Scenery
  • Nature / Scenery

    This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)

    A certain evening scene

    This is an evening view of Katsuyama. It is quite a famous area, and there is a rock with a hole in ...

    Photo Location 千葉県 市原市
    Photo Date 2023/01/05 Device CanonCanon EOS 6D
  • Nature / Scenery
  • Nature / Scenery

    This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)

    Mysterious Clouds

    Fuji is rarely seen, but on this day it unusually appeared in the evening.
    Unusual clouds and s...

    Photo Location 千葉県 市原市
    Photo Date 2024/09/22 Device CanonCanon EOS 6D
  • Food
  • Food

    This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)

    カフェ やさまる

    Photo Location 千葉県 君津市
    Photo Date 2020/08/28 Device Unkown
  • Nature / Scenery
  • Nature / Scenery

    This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)

    Cherry blossom season

    In the season of double cherry blossoms, I go out to Sodegaura Park to
    take pictures with the p...

    Photo Location 千葉県 市原市
    Photo Date 2023/04/06 Device CanonCanon EOS R
  • Food
  • Food

    This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)

    カフェ やさまる

    Photo Location 千葉県 君津市
    Photo Date 2020/08/28 Device Unkown
  • Food
  • Food

    This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)


    Photo Location 千葉県 木更津市
    Photo Date 2020/08/29 Device Unkown
  • Nature / Scenery
  • Nature / Scenery

    This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)

    Blue World

    The night train passed through the rice paddies filled with water all over. This is another distant ...

    Photo Location 千葉県 市原市
    Photo Date 2014/04/27 Device CanonCanon EOS 6D
  • Nature / Scenery
  • Nature / Scenery

    This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)

    flying bird

    The autumn leaves in Izumi Nature Park glowed like birds in flight
    in the afternoon light.

    Photo Location 千葉県 市原市
    Photo Date 2023/12/01 Device CanonCanon EOS R
  • Nature / Scenery
  • Nature / Scenery

    This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)

    Boso no Fuji

    from a nearby hill for the first time in a while. Fuji
    can be seen clearly in this ar...

    Photo Location 千葉県 市原市
    Photo Date 2023/02/22 Device CanonCanon EOS 6D
  • Nature / Scenery
  • Nature / Scenery

    This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)

    Purple Gold Mountain ・ Comet Atlas

    Near Fukashiro, Ichihara City

    Photo Location 千葉県 市原市
    Photo Date 2024/10/13 Device CanonCanon EOS R
  • Other
  • Other

    This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)

    La Punta

    Photo Location 千葉県 木更津市
    Photo Date 2021/09/15 Device AppleiPhone SE (2nd generation)
  • Nature / Scenery
  • Nature / Scenery

    This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)

    winter in the countryside

    It is a place called Soro area in the Mine Okayama system.
    I learned about this daffodil villag...

    Photo Location 千葉県 市原市
    Photo Date 2023/01/21 Device CanonCanon EOS R
  • Nature / Scenery
  • Nature / Scenery

    This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)

    Spring Fuji

    This is the well-known Fuji in Fukashiro. In the foreground is a field of Anesaki daikon radish.

    Photo Location 千葉県 市原市
    Photo Date 2024/03/22 Device CanonCanon EOS 6D
  • Nature / Scenery
  • Nature / Scenery

    This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)

    with rape blossoms

    The familiar Kominato l railroad looks very
    nice with rape blossoms.

    Photo Location 千葉県 市原市
    Photo Date 2022/04/03 Device CanonCanon EOS R
  • Food
  • Food

    This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)

    カフェ やさまる

    Photo Location 千葉県 君津市
    Photo Date 2020/08/28 Device Unkown
  • Nature / Scenery
  • Nature / Scenery

    This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)

    Landscape close to early summer

    This is a view of a nearby park with water. Over there is an iris garden, where you will soon see ir...

    Photo Location 千葉県 市原市
    Photo Date 2024/05/21 Device CanonCanon EOS 6D
  • Food
  • Food

    This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)

    カフェ やさまる

    Photo Location Chiba Prefecture 大字常代
    Photo Date 2020/09/24 Device Unkown