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2. とみちゃんLINEスタンプの販売を開始!(194view/0res) 自由谈话 2024/05/28 14:54
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4. 災害時外国人支援ボランティア登録制度(77view/0res) 自由谈话 2024/05/28 14:44
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Do you wanna talk about Japan in English?

  • Jackie
  • mail
  • 2021/05/14 02:36

Anyone is welcomed here. Free free to post and leave a message.

  • Mommy
  • 2021/05/14 (Fri) 02:41
  • 报告

Which international school is the best in Japan?

  • Steph
  • 2021/05/15 (Sat) 12:19
  • 报告

It's getting hot these days! I love Japan but Japanese Summer is really humid and disgusting, not my favorite part.

  • Steph
  • 2021/05/15 (Sat) 12:19
  • 报告

And bugs are HUGE

  • Anna
  • 2021/05/19 (Wed) 00:26
  • 报告

I've never thought Japanese bugs are huge since bugs in Miami are larger.

  • Seth
  • 2021/05/19 (Wed) 13:17
  • 报告

Where is the best place to go for a drink?

  • Kay
  • 2021/05/27 (Thu) 08:44
  • 报告

What's Vivinavi? What is this for?

  • Betty
  • 2021/05/27 (Thu) 08:45
  • 报告

I guess you can write your message and communicate with other people in your area.

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