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  • Registrant : かずニャン保護猫の譲渡会
  • [Language]日本語
  • Posted : 2022/04/02
  • Published : 2022/04/05
  • Changed :2022/04/02
  • Total View : 1535 persons
2022/5/8 - 2022/5/8 / 千葉県 木更津市 / Other

May 8, 2022 Protected cat foster ♪.

A large gathering of shelter cats looking for owners ! Come and meet these cute cats ♪.

May 8 ( Sun ) We will hold a transfer event for protected cats ! Cats looking for homes in Kisarazu, Kimitsu, Futtsu and Sodegaura cities will gather ♪

We are trying to prevent the increase of ownerless cats and the collapse of multiple cats in the community. We promote sterilization and proper breeding of cats.

Finding homes for shelter cats in the Uchibo area ♪
May we find homes for as many cats as possible ♪

The participating cats are in good health thanks to the generous care provided by the shelter volunteers, and are able to manage their health and communication with people.
The circumstances of their protection vary from cat to cat.
At the time of transfer, our experienced volunteers will give you advice and help you to feel at ease with our protected cats.
If you want to live with cats or are interested in shelter cats
we are waiting for you ♪
We also sell cat goods and handmade accessories made by our volunteers.
Please feel free to stop by.

Venue CoffeeShop Satsuki Kogyo 2-10-12 Nagaisaku, Kisarazu
Time 11 : 00 ~ 15 : 00
Reservation priority but you are welcome to join on the day !
Information about participating shelter cats is posted on the Vivinavi Information Board !.

Kazusa_Neko Protective Cats
Phone 070-8979-2761
Instagram ( Account @kazusa_neko )
Venue CoffeeShop Satsuki Industry
Address 292-0067 千葉県 木更津市
Date 2022/5/8 - 2022/5/8
Time 11:00 minute(s) - 15:00 minute(s)
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