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  • [Registrant] : 松戸市
  • [Language]日本語
  • [Location]千葉県 松戸市
  • Posted : 2023/07/24
  • Published : 2023/07/24
  • Changed :2023/07/24
  • Total View : 95 persons

About a phone call de scam pretending to be an acquaintance of my son's, a premonitory phone call.

We are providing this information because the Matsudo Higashi Police Station has distributed an e-mail concerning a phone deception.
Today, in the Koganehara area of Matsudo City, we have received suspicious phone calls such as
"I am an acquaintance of your child"
"Your child has lost his/her cell phone, so I have called on behalf of your child"

Also, recently
・ you lost an important company document and need a lot of money to make up for it
・ there is money in your family account that is not moving, and if you don't take action, the money
will go to the treasury
The scam precursor call that ? is going around.

If you receive such a suspicious call, please first calm down
[do not tell the caller anything]
[ignore and hang up immediately]
[call the police immediately]
Perpetrators are targeting your valuable assets ! ! ! ! ! ! !

☆ ☆ ☆ To prevent fraud victims ☆
Victims who are victims of telephone deception believe that the person who made the "appointment call" is a relative or related to them, and hand over cash cards, cash, or operate ATMs.
If you are in a household with only elderly people around you, or if you see an elderly person operating an ATM while talking on the phone when using an ATM, please call out to them to warn them.
Also, please contact us for information on countermeasure devices in Matsudo City.
Cat Support 0120-5454-25~

In addition, the Chiba Prefectural Police has published the voice of an actual "phone de fraud" call on their website.
Please be aware of the tactics of the criminals and take measures to avoid becoming a victim.

Matsudo City Citizen Safety Section 047-366-7285
Matsudo Higashi Police Station 047-349- 0110


Vivinavi - Notification from Municipality

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