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  • [Registrant] : 野田市
  • [Language]日本語
  • [Location]千葉県 野田市
  • Posted : 2024/11/10
  • Published : 2024/11/10
  • Changed :2024/11/10
  • Total View : 115 persons

The 10th of every month is "Traffic Safety Day" !.

The 10th of every month is "Traffic Safety Day ( Action 10 )".
Under the slogan "Yuzuru Yagu Mutual, Running with Heart on Chiba's Road," each and every one of us should deepen our interest in traffic safety.

At dusk, pedestrian accidents are more likely to occur. Pedestrians should wear reflective materials and cross the street at crosswalks. Drivers of motor vehicles should turn on their lights early and check for crossers before crossing the street.

[November is Zebra ・ Stop Activity Month ! ]
If there is a pedestrian ) about to cross ( at a pedestrian crossing, the vehicle must pause before the pedestrian crossing so as not to block his/her way. You must stop before the pedestrian crossing so as not to obstruct the pedestrian's passage.
Be sure to drive correctly with a "Zebra ・ Stop".
Pedestrians should also obey traffic laws and regulations, and should not jump out into the street or engage in other dangerous behavior.

For more information about "Zebra ・ Stop Activities" documents/2306zebrastop-web.pdf

Citizens Life Section


Vivinavi - Notification from Municipality

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