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  • [Registrant] : 印西市
  • [Language]日本語
  • [Location]千葉県 印西市
  • Posted : 2024/07/19
  • Published : 2024/07/19
  • Changed :2024/07/19
  • Total View : 38 persons

Request to find a missing person

The following person is missing. Please help us find them.
Unknown Date : July 19, 2024 ( Money )
Unknown Location : Shirai City Root
Age : 87 years old
Sex : Male
Height : 165cm
Body : Skinny
Weight : 45kg
Eyewear : Silver bash
Upper garment : White polo shirt
Lower garment : Grey long pants
Footwear : White sports shoes
Other : White Wearing cap and pushing silver cart.
Contact : If you recognize him, please contact Inzai Police Station, Community Safety Division 0476 ( 42 ) 0110 ( Representative ).

Crime Prevention Section, Citizen Activity Promotion Division, Inzai City Citizen Department


Vivinavi - Notification from Municipality

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