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  • [Registrant] : 成田市
  • [Language]日本語
  • [Location]千葉県 成田市
  • Posted : 2024/04/11
  • Published : 2024/04/11
  • Changed :2024/04/11
  • Total View : 113 persons

Crime Prevention ・ Safety Information

Narita Police Station ( Crime in Narita City )
April 10 ( 2 )
Bicycle theft, Namiki-cho, bicycle parking lot of apartment house, locked
Bicycle theft, Umahashi, bicycle parking lot in front of station, unlocked

Tomisato City ( 0

Sakae-machi ( 0 )

★ Beware of Thefts ★
( 1 ) There are many thefts of metal objects in the Narita Police Station area. The main items
stolen are grating ( metal gutter covers ), outdoor units, water heaters, and copper cables
from solar power plants. If you see a suspicious person, please do not hesitate to call out to them and call 110

Bicycle thefts are frequent in the Narita Police Station area.
Bicycle parking lots at train stations and stores, as well as home bicycle parking lots, have also been damaged.
Whenever you leave your bicycle, be sure to lock it and also implement a two-lock
system to lock another one.  

Narita Police Station, Community Safety Division 0476-27-0110



Vivinavi - Notification from Municipality

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