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  • [Registrant] : 千葉東警察署
  • [Language]日本語
  • [TEL]043-233-0110
  • [Location]千葉県 千葉市
  • Posted : 2024/08/14
  • Published : 2024/08/14
  • Changed :2024/08/14
  • Total View : 48 persons

Prepare for wind and flood damage

Every year during the typhoon season, localized heavy rains and torrential rains are observed in many parts of Japan, causing rapid rise and overflow of rivers and landslides, resulting in a large number of human casualties and damage to residential houses. To protect yourself from disasters, make effective use of disaster prevention weather information and be prepared for disasters.

Disaster Prevention Weather Information and Alert Levels
In order to "protect your own life by yourself," disaster prevention information released by local governments and the Japan Meteorological Agency is used to provide information with five alert levels to help residents intuitively understand the actions to take. Know the differences so that you can take actions to protect your life in case of emergency.
■ Alert Level 5 : "Danger for life, secure safety immediately" Take the best action to protect your life
■ Alert Level 4 : "Evacuate everyone from dangerous places" Take evacuation action immediately and complete evacuation
■ Alert Level 3 "Evacuate the elderly and others from dangerous places" The elderly begin to evacuate
■ Alert Level 2 : "Confirm own evacuation behavior" Confirm evacuation behavior in preparation for evacuation
■ Alert Level 1 : "Increase preparedness for disasters"

Watch out for the following types of rain
・ When pitch-black clouds approach and the surrounding area suddenly becomes dark
・ When you hear thunder and see lightning
・ When a chilly wind blows
When a cold wind blows <2666> When heavy rain or hail begins to fall

〇Prepare for normal situations
・ Evacuation sites ・ Check the route
・ Prepare an emergency kit
・ In areas where flooding is possible
・ Look around your house and put away items that may be blown away by strong winds
・ Be prepared to evacuate at any time in areas where there is a risk of landslides
Do not go out by force
・ The danger of typhoons and heavy rain can be detected several days in advance by weather forecasts. Before heavy rains and windy weather, check your disaster preparedness once again

Vivinavi - Notification from Municipality

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