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  • Registrant : 成田市
  • [Language]日本語
  • Posted : 2023/09/06
  • Published : 2023/09/06
  • Changed :2023/09/06
  • Total View : 865 persons
2023/9/1 - 2023/10/11 / 成田市 / Beauty / Health

Increase basal metabolism Yoga class

40 to 64 years of age with a BMI ( Body Mass Index ) of 24 or more, living or working in Narita City

Instructor : Yoga Instructor
Ms. Emiko Hirukawa

Raising basic metabolism and building a healthy body

Venue Narita City Health and Welfare Center Medical checkup room
Address 成田市
Date 2023/9/1 - 2023/10/11
Time 14:30 minute(s) - 15:45 minute(s)
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Vivinavi - Events

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