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  • [Registrant] : 市原市役所
  • [Language]日本語
  • [Location]千葉県 市原市
  • Posted : 2024/04/23
  • Published : 2024/04/23
  • Changed :2024/04/23
  • Total View : 286 persons

100 Years Later Art Festival - Uchiboso Art Fest - Works by Yasuhiro Chida ≪ Analemma ≫

Yasuhiro Senda's work ≪ Analemma ≫ is exhibited at Ushiku Shopping Street, the venue of the Art Festival 100 Years Later - Uchiboso Art Fest. This work graced the cover of the March issue of PR ICHIHARA.
The setting is a vacant store in the Ushiku shopping district. This is an installation work using a huge amount of threads woven three-dimensionally by hand and light.
The work appears and disappears at the intersection of thread ( one-dimensional ) and light planes ( two-dimensional ). The moment you step inside, a fantastic space with countless lights flitting about opens up.
This very popular work was also exhibited in the "Ushikuri ・ Design Project," an initiative to realize "ICHIHARA: A Town of Art," and has now made a second appearance at the 100 Years Later Art Festival - Uchiboso Art Fest !
Once visitors step inside, they are mesmerized and have a hard time coming back out. Many visitors are repeat visitors. Please come and see it.

▼ Open to the public
10:00-17:00 until May 26 (Sun.) ( Tuesdays ・ Closed on Wednesdays* April 30 ・ Open on May 1 )

▼ Fee
Passport : 3,500 yen for adults, 2,000 yen for elementary, junior high and high school students
・ You can see artworks in all areas of Uchiboso Art Fest.
・ Free passport vouchers are available for elementary and junior high school students in Chiba prefecture.
Area ticket : 800 yen
Individual ticket : 300 yen

▼ Access
A few minutes walk from Joso-Ushiku station

▼ For details, please visit the Art Festival 100 Years After - Uchiboso Art Fest -Please see the website.


Vivinavi - Notification from Municipality

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