You can easily find the stores and information near your current location, using the mobile version of Vivinavi. Please try it out with your smartphone!

GPS and Location Settings

You can find the stores or information near your current location by enabling GPS setting on your device. Please make sure that your GPS is turned on.

How to check your settings
Instructions vary depending on your device and operating system. Please visit the following websites for more details.
How to use this fuction

You can find the stores and information near your current location with all viewing options including List View, Map View, Image View, and Video View.

Example: How to use with Town Guide
Please tap
. You can see the stores near your current location. Select industries or categories to narrow down your list.
After tapping
, please move forward to next page. Map will show the stores from closet to farthest.
You can move your current location on Map View. Please tap and hold
, then move the icon.
Services available with your current location

In the following services, you can find information near your current location. Please try it out!