• พาร์ททามชั่วคราว
  • งานบริการ


Web Access No.1802573
Company Message



Job Summary

Employment Status พาร์ททามชั่วคราว
Job Type งานบริการ
Required Language ภาษาญี่ปุ่น
Number of Positions 3-5 3-5 คน
Work Location 292-0801 千葉県 木更津市 請西2丁目5−15
Work Hours 09:30~20:30
[Work Hours detail]
平日:9:30~20:30 土曜日:9:30~20:00 祝・祭日:9:30~19:00

〇2~3時間勤務 〇4時間以上勤務 

〇週2.3日勤務  〇週4日以上勤務

Job Description 受付フロントスタッフ
Compensation รายชั่วโมง 1,026円~
[Compensation detail]
交通費支給 全額支給


Application Method
Selection Process / Scheduleメール・電話にてご応募 → 面接日の調整 → 面接 → 通知
Posting Period: 2024/05/02 (Thu) - 2024/07/31 (Wed)
* Application period may close early depending on the situation.
59 days left
Preservation of Job Applicant's rights and equal opportunity employment
Hiring companies shall not discriminate any applicants in regards to employment and any other benefits based on their race, skin color, religion, gender, sexual preference, gender identity or expression, age, disability, marital status, citizen status, genetics, and any other category protected by laws. Moreover, hiring companies shall comply with the laws of respective countries and regions in determining employment conditions such as compensation and holidays. Should you find any violation of this policy, please contact us.